The original incarnation of the LoBue (mk I) had an unfinished wood body, a set neck, a violin-style bridge, a single-coil pickup, a black pickguard, and, despite Gene's quote above, three knobs. The body appears to be a slab style with a hint of a bevel on the "inside" of the horns (and possibly where Gene rests his arm; see below). This version of the bass was Gene's #1 bass more or less from 1973 until the summer of 1975 when he started altering it. Below are a few early shots of Gene using the LoBue in 1972-73 starting with the loft rehearsals as a three piece, a shot from one of the shows at the Daisy, and the soundcheck for the Filmore shows. Note the original single coil pickup and the snug fit of the pickguard around the pickup in the picture on the right.